Aries Insurance Agent Services.


Aries Insurance Agent Services.


Aries Insurance Agent Services.A thin blue vertical line separating two logos.A division of URL Insurance Group.


Goldilocks and the single premium life plans

Goldilocks and the single premium life plans

Most of you have probably heard of the Robert Southey story, Goldilocks and the three bears. If you are not familiar with it, or need a reminder, it's the story of a little girl named Goldilocks.

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5 Sales Lessons From a 12-Year-Old’s Sports Team

5 Sales Lessons From a 12-Year-Old’s Sports Team
Between March and August my evenings consist of coaching my son's local baseball team. While we work on the how's and why's of the game, we also talk about what it takes to be successful in both games and life. We've only just begun on our journey this season but the lessons that we teach to these kids on the baseball diamond can be used just the same in the world of sales.

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Finding Your Next Client

Finding Your Next Client

I was wondering the other day how many times I heard insurance agents ask "what's the best way to find more sales opportunities" or more specifically "how can I write more annuity and single premium life business?" Over my career, thousands of times, if not more!

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How to Diffuse the Surrender Charge Objection in Annuity Sales

How to Diffuse the Surrender Charge Objection in Annuity Sales

Objections should always be anticipated and handled early in the presentation. You know they're coming, so take the offensive and tackle them before they tackle you.

As long as there are annuity sales presentations there will be surrender charge objections. There are many ways to address this concern, however there is one aspect of handling objections that should be paramount.

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How Annuities Can Help Your Medicare Clients

How Annuities Can Help Your Medicare Clients

By Christy Wilbert & Joe Corio

Are you helping your Medicare eligible clients to your fullest potential?

They need you more than you know. You are their life line in the confusing world of insurance, helping them find the best coverage and solutions to cover expenses and secure their life savings.

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