A new year brings new optimism, new challenges, opportunities, goals and resolutions.
Unfortunately, many New Year's Resolutions end as quickly as they are uttered from our lips: lose weight, eat healthier, exercise, quit smoking, save more money, get out of debt, get organized, travel more, read more, spend more time with family. Sound familiar?
Less than 10% of resolutions are kept after one year? Still sound familiar? It certainly does for me. Why do we have trouble keeping these resolutions? We want the magic pill that helps us lose weight without doing anything instead of eating healthy, sensible portions along with exercise.
In business, as in our personal life we make resolutions & goals for the year to better ourselves and our business. The goals we set for ourselves are in our best interest, but many times unrealistic. We try to attach ourselves to the newest, latest and greatest marketing idea without giving full thought of how to follow it through. Set realistic goals and use proven methods with our existing clients and new clients to achieve those goals.
Here is a tip as you begin to pave your way in the New Year, reach out to your existing clients. A simple thank you calling campaign. Set a realistic goal of how many calls to make a day, a week or even a month. Have a plan for the call, offering a checkup or review of their existing policies is an excellent service to provide. The simple practice of quality client relationship building can lead to a new opportunity with your existing clients or even a referral. Picking up the phone and letting your clients know that they are valued and you care is extremely powerful. It may not be the magic pill, but it is proven to work, if you put in the time.
Feel free to contact URL Life Markets for assistance developing a client appreciation campaign. If conducting a client annual review you may find North American's Develop a Client Review Practice with North American article helpful.
Good tip Steve. I'll bet most agents will find their clients surprised to get a call like this. A call not to say your premium is late or I have something new to sell you but just to say hello and ask if I can be of help. Also be prepared to leave a pleasant voice mail because lets face it, most people are not going to answer the phone when you call. But that's ok because they'll get the message.
William, Great point. It is harder and harder to get people on the phone. I have found text messaging works very well when the phone goes straight to voice mail, especially for younger clients. They may not pick up the phone, but they are quick to respond by text message. A brief hand written note goes a long way for clients of all ages and can set your services apart.