Goldilocks and the single premium life plans

Goldilocks and the single premium life plans

Most of you have probably heard of the Robert Southey story, Goldilocks and the three bears. If you are not familiar with it, or need a reminder, it's the story of a little girl named Goldilocks.

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The Dangers of Complacency

The Dangers of Complacency

My father used to tell me, "Good enough is not good enough." I can't say my dad is much of a philosopher, and as a lazy kid I will admit I heard what he said but didn't really know what it meant. Now, as an adult, I understand that he was saying, if you think you're good enough, think again, because there is always someone that will outwork and out hustle you. Don't get complacent. My dad isn't philosophical like a Vince Lombardi or Confucius, but there's a lot of truth to his statement.

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5311 Hits

Top 10 Medicare Questions & Misunderstandings

Top 10 Medicare Questions & Misunderstandings

"A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether."

by Roy H. Williams

We are all bound to make mistakes. Let us be your "smart man" by giving you the opportunity to learn from others.

The most common question is: "Why?" Maybe you don't agree with the answer and you'd like to understand the reasoning behind it. Just when you think you understand Medicare, your world is turned upside down to hear about an exception to the rule. Our helpful hints will make you an efficient, knowledgeable superstar.​

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Saving Main Street - Business Continuation Planning for Small Business

Saving Main Street - Business Continuation Planning for Small Business

Many of our clients are small business owners who care deeply about their business, employees and customers. As insurance agents, we help insure their home, auto, liability, personal life insurance, group health benefits, but are you asking about their Business Continuation plan or Buy-Sell Agreement?

On average, 45% of the business owner's net worth is tied up in the business.* This subject is near and dear to some of your best clients and if you start the conversation, your clients will be interested in what you have to say.

Only 26% of small businesses owners have some type of succession plan in place.* In fact, only 30% of family owned businesses survive to the 2nd generation and less than 12% to the third generation.** Healthy businesses that do not plan for business continuation properly can fail rather quickly; conversely, businesses that plan for continuation can survive and thrive moving forward.

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5332 Hits

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

A new year brings new optimism, new challenges, opportunities, goals and resolutions.

Unfortunately, many New Year's Resolutions end as quickly as they are uttered from our lips: lose weight, eat healthier, exercise, quit smoking, save more money, get out of debt, get organized, travel more, read more, spend more time with family. Sound familiar?

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6157 Hits